The year 2020 is almost over and it’s been a year since we had been treated to a wonderful anime experience by 2019. It has been a terrific experience for me that I will always treasure as I did have plenty of favorite anime series released that year. Furthermore, I started doing seasonal awards here at Yu Alexius Anime Portal and I have promised to watch as many anime as I could in every season since April 2019, with a minimum of 20 titles. This has been my routine for the last 20 months and this season, I am watching over 30 anime from the Fall 2020 lineup. I am doing this so I could properly conclude each season with my final impression review and come up with a recommendation list of worthwhile anime that fans can check in any season within a specific year.
Now, I would like to look back at 2019 once again as I think that I had become more mature and also find out which anime from last year had an enduring impression after all this time. In this post, I will share my top 10 anime series from 2019, that’s almost a year ago. First of all, I have listed my top 40 anime from last year in this post: The Best Anime Series of 2019.
My new top 10 right now is almost the same as last year, however, I did some changes, and added the titles that got a lasting impression on me through all this time as I see these anime series in a new light compared to what I had felt about it one year ago.
Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2

The phenomenal anime of the previous decade, Attack on Titan sits at the top spot on my list of best anime from 2019. I had previously listed it at 2ndplace, just behind The Promised Neverland, but I have recently realized that this anime is in a league of its own and has been almost like a religionto many anime fans. Attack on Titan Season 3 Part brought us some of the most epic scenes from the entire series including the electrifying assault of Levi Ackerman to the Beast Titan. The raging cries of sorrow and salute to Erwin Smith and his heroism. The anticipated rematch of Eren Yaeger and Reiner. Aside from that, who would ever forget the sacrifices that come along this journey of searching the truth, the moment that Armin gets a hold of the Colossal Titan, and many more. Even without enumerating these events, fans can easily distinguish that Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 had set the standard so high for the anime from the 2019 lineup.
Related Post: Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 topped our Spring 2019 seasonal chart
Kono Oto Tomare!

This anime will always have a special place in my heart and without being subjective, Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life deserves to stand on the same ground together with some of the most hyped and well-received anime of 2019. Almost everything in this anime had been satisfying – from the drama, the character development, the character-driven plot, and the music itself are all enchanting and emotionally reverberating. I never thought that this anime would have made me cry a river throughout its run from the Spring 2019 anime lineup, and its second season from Fall 2019 lineup.
Related Post: Kono Oto Tomare! surpassed Sword Art Online III War of the Underworld in Fall 2019 lineup
The Promised Neverland

The story might be horrifying as it may sound but The Promised Neverland delivered the thrill that we all looked forward to from it. It has brilliant storytelling which was narrative beautifully and as thrilling as the genius escape plan of Emma, Norman, and Gray. The whole experience of following the story of the children escaping from the orphanage was fantastic and well-executed.
Vinland Saga

One of the best action anime of 2019 that makes the whole journey an exciting one, Vinland Saga brought the notoriously violent and bloody war of the Vikings and their conquest to the table. It’s dramatic, it’s fantastic, it’s heartbreaking; this is a story which serves more than what you can simply see on the surface. Vinland Saga had some of the wildest yet charismatic anime characters from 2019 such as Thorkell, Askeladd, Thorfin, and Thors. At the end of the day, Vinland Saga is an anime that every shounen fans out there must see and it’s a title that stands out from the majority of shounen that aired the year that was 2019.
Dr. Stone

Charismatic main characters and insane scientific ideas set in the stone world and many more, Dr. Stone is pure entertainment that fans had enjoyed due to its plot that touches a wide array of genres such as shounen, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, and drama. It has almost every unique and obnoxious idea that surprises anime fans. It has a perfect combination of comedic appeal and scientific trailblazing narrative which seems simple yet effective in giving fans a satisfying journey at the end of every episode.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Alright, overrated or not Demon Slayer sure is a phenomenal anime and that won’t change no matter how many bitter anime viewers will complain. Just like Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer had become somewhat like a religion to many and it keeps on slaying various records since its release last year until now. The story might be your average shounen-type but what matters is the fact that the production team was able to effectively showcase its strength in visual and emotional appeal. Demon Slayer is the most popular anime of 2019, the breakthrough title as other fans stated. With so many people falling in love with it, there’s no doubt that there’s something special in it. On my end, I love how it was able to emotionally appeal right to my heart and presented us with some questions involving our humanity, our emotions, our morals and standards, and many more. In line with this, Demon Slayer transcended the philosophical boundaries that preside over human emotions and appeal to the viewers, engaging our thoughts like we are one of the characters in the story. What will be our thoughts, our decisions, and emotional reactions towards the story in front of us?

Now, here’s a real underrated anime that I wish many people will take notice of. A reboot of the classic anime from the father of Japanese animation Osamu Tezuka. Dororo is an exciting and thrilling anime experience fueled by its tragic and dramatic plot. The story is engaging and heartfelt, it’s painful at some point but is also addicting that will keep you on your seat throughout its run. Furthermore, Dororo is a visual stunner, I must say this is one of the best anime works from studio MAPPA that I had seen so far.
Kaguya-sama: Love is War

I didn’t hold this anime any high regard when it first aired but it has grown in me and had become one of the best romance-comedy anime in recent years for me. It’s calculated and well-thought humor is brilliant, leaving the viewers to laugh as hard as they could. It has the perfect blend of romantic flair and hilariously obnoxious comedic appeal.
Fruits Basket

Of all the anime series that was released in 2019, Fruits Basket is the one that means a lot to me personally. It’s complicated with so many issues to deal with, and its strong social relevance makes it a story that almost everyone can relate themselves to. It’s the anime that offers emotional turmoil and at the same time a haven for viewers who are struggling emotionally and mentally. Every character from Fruits Basket has a story to tell, each of them represents us, any one of us in the community, and also shares some of the questions that we had about ourselves and our roles and relevance in society, in our family. It explores various issues with intricate storytelling and delicate approach, and with so much warmth that some people might take as painful, while others might find it as salvation.
Related Post: Fruits Basket Season 2 is our top anime series of 2020
Carole & Tuesday

An original anime and a well-thought one with fascinating sci-fi, musical and political approach. Carole & Tuesday had treated us to a real musical experience with genuine music as it explores relevant issues in our society nowadays. It’s a story of friendship, a story of family, a story of finding oneself and purpose, a story of redemption, and a story that shows that anyone of us can be someone’s saving grace, a blessing, and a silver lining. It’s a fun ride with so many messages behind its intricate story and music. What makes it unique compared to other anime from 2019 is the fact that it is contemporary, engaging with its viewers, and uses real-world cliche to deliver its message. It can sometimes be obnoxious, and most of the time, it is just a furball of entertainment. Carole & Tuesday also had one of the best anime finales that we had witnessed from 2019, and it even left me craving for more.
Alright, so this is where I shall end my review of 2019’s best anime series. Please let us know your thoughts about our post, and I would even be happy to know if you can also drop your favorite anime from 2019 by leaving your comment below.
Last Updated on March 7, 2022 by Yu Alexius
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