“Katu: The War of Cards,” also known as “Disciples of Card,” is an upcoming Chinese anime that takes place in a world governed by cards. The protagonist, Chen Mu, is a one-star card maker who stumbles upon a precious card in a second-hand store. Intrigued by its potential, Chen Mu immerses himself in the study of card-making theory during the day and delves into the secrets of the precious card at night. His dedication pays off as he rapidly progresses in his card-making skills, catching the attention of the top students at Dongwei Academy. This is the moment where he knows, his life is about to change, and a new adventure unfolds.
Adapted from a web novel by Fang Xiang, “Katu” combines elements of action and sci-fi to create an engaging and dynamic storyline. As Chen Mu’s life undergoes significant changes, he finds himself embarking on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.
With its unique premise and captivating plot, “Katu: The War of Cards” promises to be a must-watch for fans of Chinese anime. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the animation studio behind the series and the release date in the following sections. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where cards hold the power to shape destinies.
Animation Studio & Release Date
Oriental Creative Color, known for its works on several popular 3D donghua, is responsible for bringing the world of “Katu: The War of Cards” to life, from its pages to animation. With a track record that includes popular Chinese animations like “Immortality (Yong Sheng),” “My Heroic Husband,” and “Millenniums of Warring States,” Oriental Creative Color has proven its expertise in delivering visually stunning and compelling animated series. Immortality, for example, is still one of the best Chinese 3D anime all these years, even though it is quite underrated compared to its contemporary.
The release date for “Katu: The War of Cards” has been eagerly anticipated by fans, and the wait is finally over. The series is set to premiere on October 30, 2023, offering viewers a thrilling and immersive experience. With a total of 13 episodes, fans can look forward to an extensive storyline that will keep them engaged and entertained.
To get a glimpse of what awaits in this exciting donghua, be sure to check out the official trailer below. The trailer provides a sneak peek into the world of “Katu: The War of Cards” and gives viewers a taste of the action, suspense, and intrigue that awaits them.
Mark your calendars and get ready to embark on an epic adventure as “Katu: The War of Cards” takes the Chinese anime world by storm.
Where to Watch Katu: The War of Cards?
To catch all the action and excitement of “Katu: The War of Cards,” avid viewers can head over to the official platform on Tencent Video. This popular Chinese donghua series will be available for streaming on Tencent Video, ensuring that fans can easily access and enjoy the show.
In addition to Tencent Video, viewers can also check out various anime and donghua websites to watch “Katu: The War of Cards.” These platforms often provide a wide range of animated series, including Chinese donghua, allowing fans to explore and discover new shows.
Furthermore, fans can also find the series on the affiliated YouTube channels of Tencent and its partner on WeTV. These channels may offer official uploads of episodes or provide links to official streaming platforms, ensuring that viewers have multiple options to watch “Katu: The War of Cards.”
With these various platforms available, fans can choose the one that suits their preferences and enjoy the thrilling journey of “Katu: The War of Cards” from the comfort of their own screens. So, gather your friends, grab some snacks, and get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of this Chinese donghua.
Last Updated on October 23, 2023 by Yu Alexius
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