In 2021, another novel by Priest is coming as a Chinese anime adaptation, that is Can Ci Pin or The Defective, also known as Imperfections or Access Denied in other translations of the novel. Priest, the Chinese author who wrote several danmei novels will have another of her work adapted into a 3D donghua. Dubbed with the full title Can Ci Pin: Fangzhu Xingkong, it will be joining Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire, Liu Yao, and Silent Reading. All in all, Priest will have 4 of her novels adapted into Chinese anime this 2021.
In this post, I would like to share some information about Can Ci Pin and what we have known about it so far. Many fans had been quite anxious since the upcoming donghua had been delayed several times. It was originally scheduled for 2019’s release, then once again listed as part of bilibili’s 2020 anime lineup. However, 2020 ended but Can Ci Pin fans still didn’t get any updates until bilibili presented their 2021 Chinese anime lineup last November 21, 2020.
Then, let’s start our discussion about the donghua and what we have known about it so far, and what we can expect from it.
The upcoming Chinese anime is also known as The Defective is based on a sci-fi and action novel written by author Priest. She’s one of the most prolific Chinese authors that wrote web novels in recent years, and Can Ci Pin is one of her works in 2017 which was published by jjwxc with 197 chapters and 6 Extras. Can Ci Pin is released as The Defective, but the story is also known by other names such as Access: Denied and Imperfections.
Just like Priest’s other works such as Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire and Silent Reading, Can Ci Pin is also a boys-love story Yeah, shounen-ai or yaoi fans out there should be glad and includes Can Ci Pin in their plan-to-watch donghua this year.
I made myself a ghost back to life from death, with hatred in my bones and conspiracy brewed for years, sinking into the marsh, into the abyss. All I want is to bury the rotten roots, growing thistles, and thorns which can kill like upas, to stab into the hypocritical civilization. In the bottom of the muck… I found my Lucida. [Source: Anilist]
Animation Studio and Release Date
Can Ci Pin’s donghua adaptation is animated by Coastline Animation Studio that previously worked on various sci-fi series such as An Jie Shen Shi, Zhong Yue Zhan Ji, Nami Hexin series, and Nanocore.
Even with all the delays and re-confirmation of the donghua project. Can Ci Pin’s release date is not confirmed yet until June 2021 whereas bilibili had announced that Can Ci Pin release will be on July 30, 2021.
Related Post: Priest’s BL Novel SAYE Gets Donghua Adaptation
Trailers and Promotional Videos
While we still don’t have the release date, we have plenty of trailers and promotional videos for the upcoming donghua which has been revealed through all these years. Here are all the available trailers for the donghua adaptation so far:
Where to Watch Can Ci Pin?
Now, the next question that we have in mind if we finally get the release date of Can Ci Pin is where to watch the series? Since it is part of bilibili’s Chinese anime lineup for 2021, we can watch it on bilibili. We may also watch it on YouTube if bilibili decided to add the series on their official channel: Anime Made by Bilibili – currently, the Chinese media company is uploading their produced series in there. The Defective is also the 3rd Chinese anime to be simulcast on Funimation after Heaven Official’s Blessing and LINK CLICK. You can watch it here: FUNIMATION
So, these are only a few of the details that Chinese anime fans must learn about Can Ci Pin. To the readers of Priest’s novels, which one of their works will you watch as a donghua this 2021? Will it be The Defective (Can Ci Pin), Silent Reading (Mo Du Zhe), Liu Yao, or Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire (Lie Hou Jiao Chou)? Please let us know by leaving a comment below and to get the latest updates about the upcoming Chinese anime this year, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.
Last Updated on November 9, 2022 by Yu Alexius
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