No Doubt In Us (Liang Bu Yi) is a Chinese anime series that centers around an unusual incident wherein an emperor and his empress accidentally switch bodies. As they try to navigate their new identities and deal with the awkwardness and unexpected consequences of their situation, they begin to learn about each other’s struggles and challenges. The story follows their journey toward acceptance and understanding as they try to find a way to return to their original bodies.
The series features the voice acting of Xu Jiaqi, Zhang Jie, and Su Shangqing, among others. With a unique premise and interesting character dynamics, No Doubt In Us is a show that is sure to capture the attention of viewers who enjoy romance, fantasy, and comedy genres.
No Doubt in Us: Now Streaming on Netflix
No Doubt in Us has gained a loyal fanbase worldwide, and now, it’s finally available on Netflix. The anime features a heartwarming storyline, beautiful animation, and an amazing soundtrack that will surely capture your heart. It is one of the new sets of donghua added on Netflix along with Fairies Albums, God Troubles Me, and Cinderella Chef.
With the anime’s availability on Netflix, viewers can now easily access the series and binge-watch all of its episodes. The first season has 24 episodes, and the second season is now airing in China. You may watch it on Netflix here.
The Chinese anime has received positive reviews from fans and critics alike, with praise for its engaging storyline, relatable characters, and impressive animation. If you’re a fan of romance anime or Chinese anime, then this donghua should be on your watch list.
Frequently Asked Questions about No Doubt In Us Donghua?
Now, let’s answer the common questions that people often asked about the donghua:
Is there No Doubt In Us Season 2 anime?
Yes, there is a No Doubt In Us Season 2 anime. On October 26, 2022, Bilibili premiered the 2nd season of the show, which has been divided into two cours. The first part concluded in January, and the second part resumed on February 1, 2023. Paper Plane Animation also returned as its production studio.
Where can I watch No Doubt in Us Season 2?
Although No Doubt In Us is currently streaming on Netflix, the second season of the Chinese donghua is exclusively available on Bilibili in China. As of now, there is no official distribution of 2nd season outside of China. However, some donghua websites such as Mundo Donghua have uploaded several episodes online.
How many episodes of No Doubt In Us are there?
Currently, Netflix has 24 episodes of No Doubt In Us in their archive. While the 2nd season is also expected to have another 24 episodes but still it is only available on Bilibili.
Is No Doubt in Us a good anime?
No Doubt in Us offers a well-crafted adaptation that effectively captures the most essential scenes from the source material. While the anime has elements of romance, it is not overly prominent and instead leans more towards comedy and drama. Overall, it’s a solid anime that strikes a balance between humor and emotional depth.
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