Raven of the Inner Palace (also known as ‘Koukyuu no Karasu‘ in Japanese) is a historical fantasy anime that follows the story of a mysterious consort who resides within the inner palace. Despite her unique position, she has never been summoned to the emperor’s bed-chamber, and few have actually seen her. But behind her enigmatic facade lies a woman with supernatural abilities granted by the goddess Niao Lian. She is known as the Raven Consort and can be called upon to aid both the living and the deceased. However, as she awaits the inevitable meeting with the emperor, questions arise about her origins and what fate awaits her in the royal court.”
Top 15 Anime Like Raven of the Inner Palace
If you enjoyed ‘Raven of the Inner Palace‘ and are looking for similar anime, check out our list of historical fantasy shows with strong female protagonists, political intrigue, and sword fighting.
‘The Twelve Kingdoms’ (Juuni Kokki)
This historical fantasy anime follows the story of a girl who is transported to a parallel world based on ancient Chinese mythology.
‘Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit’ (Seirei no Moribito)
This historical fantasy anime tells the story of a female bodyguard who protects a young prince in a world inspired by ancient Japan.
‘Snow White with the Red Hair’ (Akagami no Shirayukihime)
This historical romance anime follows the story of a young herbalist who catches the attention of a prince in a medieval-inspired world.
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‘The Royal Tutor’ (Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine)
This historical comedy anime follows the story of a tutor who is hired to teach four young princes in a fictional European-inspired kingdom.
‘Yona of the Dawn’ (Akatsuki no Yona)
This historical fantasy anime tells the story of a princess who must go on a journey to gather allies and reclaim her kingdom after a coup d’état.
‘Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic’
This historical fantasy anime follows the story of a young magician who explores a world inspired by ancient Middle Eastern mythology.
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‘The Ancient Magus’ Bride’ (Mahoutsukai no Yome)
This historical fantasy anime tells the story of a young girl who is sold to a mysterious mage and becomes his apprentice in a Victorian-inspired world.
‘Vinland Saga’
This historical action anime follows the story of a young Viking warrior who seeks revenge against the man who killed his father.
‘Saiunkoku Monogatari’
This historical fantasy anime tells the story of a young woman who becomes a concubine of the emperor in a fictional Chinese-inspired kingdom.
‘Akatsuki no Yona: Sono Se niwa’
This direct sequel to ‘Yona of the Dawn’ continues the story of Yona and her companions as they continue their journey to reclaim the kingdom.
‘The Untamed’ (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
This is a historical fantasy romance anime that follows the story of two cultivators who form a strong bond as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens their world.
‘The Demonic King Who Chases His Wife’ (Xie Wang Zhui Qi)
This is a romantic fantasy anime that follows the story of a modern-day girl who is transported to a magical world and forced into an arranged marriage with a powerful demon lord.
“The Legend of Qin” (Qin Shi Ming Yue)
This is a historical fantasy anime that takes place during the Warring States period in ancient China and follows the story of a young man who becomes a skilled warrior.
‘Psychic Princess’ (Tong Ling Fei)
The story revolves around the romantic adventures of a young lady named Qian Yunxi, who accidentally travels back in time to the Tang Dynasty and is forced to marry the cold-hearted Prince Ye. With her psychic powers, Qian Yunxi must navigate the intricacies of the imperial court, win over her husband, and uncover the truth behind a conspiracy against the royal family.”
No Doubt In Us (Liang Bu Yi)
The story revolves around Li Jie, the Emperor, who is stoic and confident, and Eu-funh, the Empress, who is headstrong and whimsical. One day, while arguing and fighting with each other, the couple accidentally falls into a pond and wakes up in each other’s bodies. As they try to navigate their new circumstances, Li Jie must deal with the jealousies of the imperial harem, while Eu-funh must control the quarreling royal court with her newfound power. They must learn to walk in each other’s shoes and work together to solve their predicament. No Doubt In Us is a gender-bender story set in ancient China that explores themes of love, power, and trust.
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These anime are packed with adventure, political intrigue, and sword fighting, all while featuring strong female protagonists in medieval-inspired worlds filled with fantasy creatures. So, if you’re looking for anime like Raven of the Inner Palace, be sure to check out these amazing titles!
Last Updated on March 25, 2023 by Yu Alexius
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