Tatsuyuki Nagai, the director of two tearjerker anime Anohana & Anthem of the Heart is coming back with a new anime project titled “Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo” or translated as “The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is“.
The anime movie is slated for release on October 11, 2019; on TOHO theaters across Japan. According to Nagai, The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is is the final part of the trilogy anime project whose setting of the story is set in Chichibu-City, Saitama Prefecture, with Anohana and The Anthem of the Heart as the first and second parts respectively.
Nagai says, “Once again, I have been given an opportunity to make a film set in Chichibu. Including Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day and The Anthem of the Heart, it will finally complete as a trilogy. Your continued support is the reason that we have been able to make anime continuously like this. This time, it is a story about a mysterious square relationship among the characters who start facing themselves that they imagined in the past. We will do our best, so I hope you will enjoy it. Please look forward to it!“
The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is Teaser CM
The following are the staff for The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is anime movie:
- Original: Chou Heiwa Busters
- Director: Tatsuyuki Nagai
- Script: Mari Okada
- Character Design, Chief Animation Director: Masayoshi Tanaka
- Studio: CloverWorks
- Production: Aniplex, Fuji TV, Toho, STORY
- Distribution: Toho
Well, this is kind of a powerhouse ensemble with Nagai helming the project, there’s no doubt that this film shall be a tearjerking one. Added with Mari Okada who wrote the scripts for Anohana and the Anthem of the Heart, and also directed Maquia: When the Promised Flower Bloom; The Person Who Knows How Blue the Sky Is will definitely be a promising anime project.
- https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/03/20-1/anohana-director-tatsuyuki-nagais-new-film-sora-no-aosa-wo-shiru-hito-yo-slated-for-october-11-2019
- https://myanimelist.net/news/57182261
Last Updated on March 31, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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