The new promotional video for the upcoming anime adaptation of Sei Hatsuno‘s HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru “musical instrument youth mystery” novel series was released last October 13, 2015. The video introduces the characters in the HaruChika anime series as well as teases the viewers about its story.
Check the PV below featuring HaruChika anime story and characters:
Text: Original Story: Sei Hatsuno
Text: Sarah Emi Bridcutt as Chika Homura
Text: The miraculous encounter with someone and …
Text: Sōma Saitō as Haruta Kamijō
Text: The mystery uncovered
Text: The secret story hidden in a person’s heart
Text: HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru
Text: TV anime set to start airing in January 2016!
HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru Original Story:
The original novels revolve around two high school students named Haruta and Chika, who are members of a wind instrument club that is on the verge of being shut down. The two are childhood friends, and they spend their days practicing hard while also trying to recruit new members. When a certain incident happens within their school, they work together to solve it.
HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru anime series is directed by Masakazu Hashimoto at P.A. Works with Reiko Yoshida in-charge of the series composition. Providing the original character design is Namaniku ATK while Asako Nishida is adapting those designs for the animation. HaruChika anime chief animation director is Yurie Oohigashi while directing the instrument-playing animation is Noboru Sugimitsu. The art director is Ayumi Satō with Katsue Inoue as the color key artist of the show. The director of photography is Satoshi Namiki and directing the CG is Yōhei Hiratawith Ayumu Takahashi in-charge of the editing jobs. Directing the anime sound at Glovision is Satoki Iida with the sound effects handled by Katsuhiro Nakano. The music for the show is composed by Shiroh Hamaguchi at Lantis together with Terunari Yoshie as the producer.
There is no exact release date yet for HaruChika anime series but it will premiere on January of 2016.
Last Updated on March 21, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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