The Chinese anime adaptation of the Zichuan web novel had been announced for release as part of the Fall 2021 donghua lineup from Tencent. Zichuan San Jie or shortly known as Zichuan with the English title of Purple River is coming in December to deliver an exciting story of bloodshed and quest for greater heights. Purple River anime adaptation will bring forth action and fantasy altogether with antics involving military intrigues and politics, and strategic wars among warriors and nobles.
Purple River / Zichuan Chinese Anime Overview
It was during the Tencent Video Animation 2020 Annual Conference that the donghua adaptation of Zichuan had been unveiled. The announcement was accompanied by a trailer that features bloody and action-packed fights. However, it took over a year and the donghua hasn’t been released. Yet, Tencent has once again listed the series for their 2021-2022 lineup during their most recent conference, and now, the series had been officially slated for release in December.
Purple River or Zichuan is adapted from fantasy-seinen and Wuxia novels by author Lao Zhu. The novel revolves around military warfare, a cunning and shameless protagonist, and battles that involve strategic applications in a chaotic setting where rebellions had been common sights.
Two hundred years ago, on the Battlefield of the Blue River, the last remaining army of the Empire of Light collapsed in the midst of demonic outcries. As the last Field Marshal and Emperor fell, the chaotic world of the Western River no longer had a common ruler. Factions were formed and endless conflicts ensued, military might became the only currency of survival, and the dream to reunite the lands became the sole goal of many rulers in the generations that came after. In the south-eastern part of the land, a powerful faction with over two hundred years of history – House ZiChuan – fought off the Demons to the east, defended against the House Liu Feng to the west, and contained the House Lin to the south. In order to accomplish their great ambitions and extend the bloodline of their family, countless heroes of ZiChuan gave their lives in order to make this magnificent hymn come to life. This is a story about this legendary family and a hundred years of their blood and tears.
Novel Updates
Animation Studio and Release Date
Tencent has previously listed Zichuan for its Fall lineup along with Snow Eagle Lord Season 3, and Spare Me! Great God, and has been announced for release on December 21, 2021. Studio Build Dream is animating the series with Tencent Penguin Pictures as producer, and the series is scheduled to have 52 episodes. If you’re not familiar with Build Dream, it has animated some 3D donghua in the past few years including Deadly Response, and the Great King of the Grave: Secrets of the Qilin. While they also have the upcoming donghua adaptation of the popular novel Renegade Immortal in their lineup.
Trailers & PV
The production committee of Zichuan has so far unveiled the first teaser video of the donghua in 2020. While a special PV was unveiled a few weeks ago featuring the opening theme song of Zichuan and highlights the characters that we should watch out from it with plenty of good fight scenes. Its theme song was also unveiled called Breaking Dawn.
Alright, so while we are still waiting for Zichuan’s release. You can now bookmark its page on its official streaming platform on Tencent Video here: 紫川
Last Updated on September 30, 2022 by Yu Alexius
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