Song of Desert, a prequel special to the popular anime Battle Through the Heavens (BTTH), recently concluded its run. This review dives into the exciting story that explores the past of the Ice Emperor Hai Bo Dong and the fierce Queen Medusa.
About Battle Through The Heavens 2 Specials – Song of Desert
Plot: Set before the main Battle Through The Heavens timeline, Song of Desert follows a young Hai Bo Dong, a powerful mercenary, as he gets entangled with the Snake-people tribe. He takes a captured snake-woman named Shi Ziyou Die and is pursued by the tribe, including the newly crowned queen, Medusa. The story unravels the mystery behind Shi Ziyou Die and the events leading to Hai Bo Dong’s weakened state in the main BTTH story.
Ice Emperor Hai Bo Dong: We see a different side of Hai Bo Dong in his prime, showcasing impressive fighting skills and resilience.
Queen Medusa: The special reveals a more vulnerable side to Medusa compared to her portrayal in the novel.
Shi Ziyou Die: The captured snake-woman and Medusa’s sister, who chose freedom over her role as queen.
Animation, Music & Sound:
The animation is praised as being better than the first two BTTH seasons, especially during the epic battles between Hai Bo Dong and Medusa. The music is catchy, with the opening theme, particularly a good one. However, the voice acting is considered weak, lacking emotional depth.
Final Thoughts:
Battle Through The Heavens Special 2 – Song of Desert is an action-packed prequel with a dramatic touch, offering a standalone story within the BTTH world. It’s visually impressive and enjoyable even for viewers unfamiliar with the main series. The review concludes with excitement for the upcoming Season 3 of BTTH, featuring Queen Medusa.
Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Yu Alexius
Unknown says
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