My Hero Academia Movie – The Two Heroes Synopsis
“After the end of the climatic Final Exams, the U.A. Class members head off to their school field trip for Summer break. However, before they head off to the school field trip, All Might and Deku accept an invitation from someone to go abroad to a floating and mobile manmade city, called “I Island.” All researchers in the world, from both East and West, are gathered in this place, known as the Hollywood of Science, where they research quirks as well as hero supplemental items at the special “I Expo” convention that is currently being held on the island.
This is where Deku meets the quirkless girl, Melissa. Melissa also is like him, quirkless. Deku is able to connect with Melissa by recalling when he too was quirkless. During that time, suddenly, despite an iron wall of security surrounding the island, the system is breached by a villain who hacked into it! The people living on the island are all taken hostage!Now, the Hero Association needs to act quickly to deploy their unshakeable “Plan” or else―! The only person who can grasp that key, is none other than the Number One Hero, All Might!”
Last Updated on February 24, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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