The cast for the English dub of DRAMAtical Murder anime series was unveiled by Sentai Filmworks last Monday – October 26, 2015. The anime is directed by Christopher Ayres, the same person who directed the English dub of Black Bullet and Beyond the Boundary series.
DRAMAtical Murder English Dub Cast
Gabriel Regojo as Aoba |
David Wald as Ren
David Matranga as Koujaku
Corey Hartzog as Noiz
Andrew Love as Mink
Greg Ayres as Clear
Doug Hammond as Virus and
Blake Shepard as Trip
Marcy Bannor as Tae |
Clint Bickham as Sei
Clint Bickham as Usui
Kalin Coates as Kio
Rutherford Cravens as Haga
Scotty Fults as Takahashi and John Gremillion as Toue
Adam Gibbs as Mizuki
Tiffany Grant as Midori (not pictured)
Chris Patton as Ryuho
Allison Sumrall as Yoshie
Mark X Laskowski as Akushima
Kyle Jones as Beni
Stephen E. Moellering as Huracan
Christopher Ayres as Bonjin-kun
DRAMAtical Murder Plot:
Nothing on Midorijima has been the same since the powerful Toue Konzern forced the original population into the Old Residential District and converted the rest of the island into the exclusive resort Platinum Jail. Despite that, Aoba Seragaki has tried to build a normal life for himself, working part-time in a junk shop and hanging out with his friends and his A.I. “pet” AllMate, Ren.
But when Aoba is drawn into the shady underworld that surrounds the popular virtual game Rhyme, the universe that he thought he knew falls apart. If deja vu describes the sensation of experiencing something that you think you may have done before, what is it called when other people seem to recognize you for doing things that you don’t remember doing? All Aoba knows is that there are gaps in his memory, people are disappearing, and a secret buried in his own mind may be the only keys to revelation.
DRAMAtical Murder English dub will be ship on DVD and Blu-ray on November 24, 2015 by Sentai Filmworks.
Last Updated on February 14, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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