Chinese anime enthusiasts have a reason to rejoice as Bilibili announces the upcoming release of “The First Order” (Diyi Xulie), a highly anticipated donghua adaptation. Created by Hui Shuohua De Zhouzi, the creative author of “Spare Me, Great Lord!” (Dawang Raoming), this new series is set to captivate audiences with its engaging storyline and visually stunning animation.
Scheduled for release on July 19, 2023, The First Order is a part of Bilibili’s exciting summer seasonal lineup, promising a thrilling viewing experience for fans. Let’s delve into the details and uncover what awaits us in this post-apocalyptic adventure.
About The First Order (Diyi Xulie) Series
The roots of “The First Order” can be traced back to a Chinese web novel of the same name, authored by Hui Shuohua De Zhouzi. Notably, the author’s previous work, “Spare Me, Great Lord!,” attained viral success in 2021, capturing the imagination of countless Chinese animation enthusiasts. The novel adaptation of “The First Order” also spawned a manhua titled “The First Sequence,” illustrated by Tu Zuo and Yan Wan. Boasting a captivating blend of action, adventure, fantasy, and science fiction elements, the manhua serves as a prequel to Hui Shuohua De Zhouzi’s other notable creation, “Moniker of the Night” (Ye De Ming Ming Shu).
“The First Order” unveils a world devastated by a nuclear winter, where humans have lost control and multiple crises loom over society. Amidst this chaos, the protagonist Ren Xiaosu emerges, armed with his unwavering positivity, and endeavors to reshape the world. His journey unfolds against a backdrop of challenges and adversities, where he becomes a beacon of hope in an otherwise desolate existence. As the story progresses, Ren Xiaosu’s actions have a profound impact on the fate of mankind, igniting a new era of possibilities.
Animation Studio and Release Date
Passion Paint Animation, the renowned studio behind the successful donghua adaptation of “Word of Honor” (Jun You Yun), has taken the helm in producing “The First Order.” Collaborating with Tencent Penguin Pictures, Bilibili, and China Literature as producers, the series promises top-notch animation quality and attention to detail. Fans can mark their calendars for July 19, 2023, as this highly anticipated donghua is set to premiere exclusively on Bilibili, a platform known for its commitment to delivering exceptional Chinese animation content.
Trailer & PVs
To whet the viewers’ appetites, an enthralling trailer for “The First Order” has been released, offering a glimpse into the visually stunning world of the donghua adaptation. This captivating preview showcases the meticulous attention to detail, vibrant animation, and thrilling action sequences that viewers can expect. The trailer sets the stage for an immersive and exhilarating viewing experience that will leave fans eagerly awaiting the series’ release.
“The First Order” (Diyi Xulie) holds tremendous promise for Chinese anime enthusiasts, with its engaging storyline, stunning animation, and talented production team. As the release date draws near, anticipation continues to build, fueled by the success of Hui Shuohua De Zhouzi’s previous works and the involvement of Passion Paint Animation.
The post-apocalyptic setting, compelling characters, and the protagonist’s unwavering determination ensure an enthralling journey awaits viewers. Mark your calendars for July 19, 2023, as “The First Order” arrives exclusively on Bilibili, inviting audiences to step into a world transformed by one person’s indomitable spirit.
Last Updated on June 22, 2023 by Yu Alexius
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