重甲機神 Baryon – a visually fresh and interesting anime film had been unveiled at the opening screen of Taichung International Animation Film Festival (TIAF) 2018 on October 11. 重甲機神 Baryon or roughly translated as Heavy Armor Machine God Baryon is a Taiwanese anime from Qiankun Yibang Creative Co., Ltd., and directed by Ji Dunzhi and Huang Yuzhou.
The anime project had been in production for 3 years which started as a fundraising plan on FlyingV. It eventually raised NT$1,270,846 which far surpassed the target amount of NT$600,000. From then, the anime had been in production and finally unveiled at Taichung International Animation Film Festival this year.
By taking a look at the teaser, I could say that the animation is pretty decent. Still far from the quality of those anime shows from Japan but the effort invested on this project is far from being called mediocre. I am actually surprised by the plot although it sounds a little bit cliche. Somehow, the anime tries to bring a common story into life from a different perspective.
Nonetheless, my opinion may differ from the other viewers especially that Heavy Armor Machine God Baryon is not yet available in English. Thus, my understanding about the project is quite inferior from the rest who could understand Chinese. However, this anime seriously leave a favorable impression to myself. Thus, I’ll definitely delve deeper into the anime in the near future.
For the meantime, I would like to ask for the opinion of everybody here. What can you say about the quality of the animation, the pacing, visual designs, and the story? Don’t forget to tell us by dropping your comment below.
Last Updated on March 17, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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