A new promotional video for the upcoming Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie: Tied to the Temporal World had been released on its official website featuring an adorable footage of Nyanko-sensei. The previews shows our cute favorite anime cat Nyanko-sensei transformed and divide itself into three mini versions of himself which surprises everyone.
Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie: Tied to the Temporal World is slated to hit the Japanese theaters on September 29, 2018. A season that perfectly fits the enchanting atmosphere of Natsume’s Yuujinchou setting.
Natsume’s Book of Friends Synopsis
The anime seasons and Midorikawa’s original manga revolve around Natsume, a boy who has been able to see yōkai since he was little. Unfortunately, humans shun him, and there is not much fondness between him and yōkai either. One day, he inherits a Yūjin-Chō (“Book of Friends”) from his grandmother. The book is actually full of contracts that his grandmother made to trap yōkai. As one yōkai after another shows up, Natsume tries to release or help them — even while many of them seek vengeance on him.
Last Updated on February 24, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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