The historical fantasy adventure anime series Altair: A Record of Battles (Shoukuku no Altair) has now entered the 2nd cour of the story, thus giving us a glimpse on the start of the highly anticipated Great Rumeliana War. The epic conclusion of the civil war between the Türkiye Stratocracy and the four sultanate kingdoms of Mızrak, Balta, Biçki, and Kiliç eventually led to the federation of the five stratocracies called Greater Türkiye.
Now, in the second half of Altair: A Record of Battles we will see the great war that will change the map of the continent of Rumeliana. To be known as the Great Rumeliana War – to be participated by the Tripartite Military Alliance of Greater Türkiye, Republic of Venedik, and Urado Kingdom, and the cooperation of the Cuore Alliance, the Anti-Imperial Alliance battles against the Balt-Rhein Empire. However, before reaching this part of the story, we still have to see Tuğril “Golden Eagle” Mahmut Pasha as he journey to different nations in the continent of Rumeliana to gain allies and secure the victory of Greater Türkiye in order to achieve peace.
The 14th episode of the anime actually let us witnessed his plot to have the Republic of Venedik faced off against the Balt-Rhein Empire, with the latter losing its navy against the Centro’s most powerful city-state. Meanwhile, Mahmut is working his way up to get allies from the Kingdom of Chinili which I believe resembles the Chinese Empire of our this world.
Nonetheless, let’s save some theories at a later date and take a look at some of the interesting characters that we must look forward in the upcoming episodes in 2nd opening theme song of Altair: A Record of Battles.
Last Updated on March 2, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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