The trailer for the upcoming TV anime BLEND-S from A-1 Pictures had been streamed by Aniplex of America. It is the anime adaptation for Miyuki Nakayama’s manga with the same title. The cast and staff involved with BLEND-S anime had been showcased in the trailer.
BLEND-S Official Trailer
Among the cast for BLEND-S anime includes the following:
- Azumi Waki as Maika Sakuranomiya (Sad!stic)
- Akari Kitou as Kaho Hinata (Tsundere)
- Anzu Haruno as Mafuyu Hoshikawa (Imouto)
The anime will be directed by Ryouji Masuyama together with Gou Zappa who will serve as the series composer. The character designs for the anime will be provided by Yousuke Okuda and music by Tomoki Kikuyu. BLEND-S premiere will be on October 2017.
BLEND-S Synopsis
Tsundere, Imouto (little sister type), etc. are only a few of the personas that the café waitresses play out here. And the new hire Maika, is asked by the store manager to play none other than the super sad!st!? As she becomes devoted to her work, her super sad!st persona blooms unexpectedly… Everything is a treat – even being stomped on – in this outrageous working comedy.
Isn’t this sounds like another “Working!!!” anime set into motion? If you have any thoughts about this upcoming new anime, kindly let us know by leaving a comment.
Last Updated on April 22, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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