Kino No Tabi: The Beautiful World Synopsis
Kino no Tabi (Kino’s Journey) tells the story about the protagonist, Kino, who rides on a talking motorcycle, Hermes. Both of them traverse through a magical world of forests and countries, where Kino learns various customs and people. They only stay in each location for three days. Initially, Kino was gender-ambiguous until it turned out she was a female. Skilled in combat and armed with various weapons, Kino is ready to throw a fist only when provoked. On a regular basis, Kino is polite and answers straightforwardly. Hermes is a Brough Superior bike and is Kino’s company all throughout her journey. He seems to have trouble in mispronouncing words and is sometimes reluctant in traveling to new lands.
Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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