Hey guys, this is my first review post here in my blog and I am very delighted to write my first review to my all-time favorite anime which is “Natsume Yuujinchou“.
Natsume Yuujinchou Roku Episode 1 Review
Meanwhile, Nyanko-sensei found the Days Eater and ask him to reverse the spell he gave to Natsume. The Days Eater then asked him why since humans and object’s lives are too short, they should be happy to get younger on which Nyanko-sensei simply said that different people wants to get old, or to be younger. Then, the Days Eater asked which one does Natsume prefers.
The next scene bring us to the younger Natsume resting as Nyanko-sensei appeared on the screen as informed him that the Days Eater reversed his spell and he’ll be back to his original self when the sun sets. Tanuma and Taki then found Natsume back to normal and casually sleeping together with Nyanko-sensei.
Last Updated on May 22, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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