Hey guys, it’s been a while since the last time I wrote something about MMOG’s DivoSaga. It feels like it’s been ages and although, there’s nothing really special or new going on in the game aside from the notorious server merges of some giant servers. Now, I’ll only tell some updates like what’s new (which somehow equals to the value of [0]), I will also discuss about the server merged which resulted the game to only have two (2) giant servers left. In addition, I will discuss the results of the latest sessions of Titan War, God Revolution, Chaos War, and the highly anticipated Cross-Server Guild War which is bound to commence this Saturday – April 29, 2017.
In personal account, I’ll gonna share some pathetic rants, and normal gaming story such as the eternal LAG issues, my new guild (recently transferred to OFC), and changes on the tide of power in my own server after the merged. However, I won’t really complain that much about the game itself as it will be perpetual discussion about how the management sucks big time. Anyway, it is still a great pleasure to be in this game and spent time with those people whom I get to know in the past 4-5 years and having some casual and funny virtual conversation with them.
First, let’s talk about what’s new in the game. The answer is absolutely [0], no new patches, no new updates. You just have to play the normal game like how it was played since the last patch upgrade. Although, some competitive players such as those in the top-tier ranks will have some tough times to keep their characters updated and in the top as the new server merged simply push some mild-cashing players down. Instead, what’s left in the top are the hardcore cashing players who spent thousands of bucks to keep their characters strong, though I won’t complain about that, it’s their right to spend their own money on something that entertain them and make them happy. For example, in my own server Outlawz_FC domination ended after the merged with Aku♥Indu’s server. Furthermore, the youngest servers in the game were also merged with us. The same thing also happened to two (2) more powerful servers: the server where Aussie, Laran, HazeL were in, and the server where godlike mighty player Xask and his domain were in. With this being said, Aku♥Indu is now the strongest guild in the entire game and in my server. They absorbed the oldest guild in the game which is SHIELD while suppressing the no. 2 guild in the game which is Outlawz_FC.
I’ll tell more about on my server since I have more knowledge in it compared to the other one, though I’m planning to visit my dummy accounts on the other one soon. In my own server, Aku♥Indu dominated the server followed by loyal OFC members, and there are the non-SHIELD remnants of Aquarius server and some from Pisces and Aries as well in EPIC. Guilds from the youngest servers such as GLORIOUS, Indo_Elite are also still up for some fight. My guild THE_LEGION actually went down from Top 8 and wasn’t able to join Guild Wars in the past few weeks though I understand since only passive players left there and the ever loyal members and friends of mine, Xheng and his crew (Shiroi, Qivan, Protecter). Though, currently I took some heavy dosage of piloting activities on Spinal, Yasuna, and Mizzzzy. Nonetheless, AndiwijayaA and FeiKei invited me on Outlawz_FC; so there I am the new guy in the block of monster players (pun intended). Anyway, this was quite overwhelming as I still remember that some of these players are mortal enemies in the battlefield few years ago and now, we’re dumped together in one giant server which I think is somehow fun.
Now, let’s talk about the most recent results of God Revolution, Titan War, and Chaos War. I can’t remember the exact date when God Revolution took place though I am aware that I’d missed 2 sessions already. Right now, the reigning champions from each class are the ever consistent and almighty Xask, dKhlw who’s trying to beat gabriel1983 for the record of most wins in Mage’s class war. In the ranger class, V1CK is standing so firm on it as he’d been the High Ranger for so many times although there are some instances where he had lose the title on certain occasions as ranger class definitely has the most intense competition and monstrous players right now.
In the Titan War, top-tier players from OFC brought the victory as they won the most recent session of Titan War, taking the title from the previous victors, Xask’s team with RudsMK, Romeo and Nefelh. Composing the winning team for the latest Titan War are AndiwijayaA, Feikei, dKhlw, and Durian.
Server 1 (composed of Aku♥Indu, OFC, Glorious, Indo_Elite, EPIC, and other big guilds) won the Chaos War against the Server 21 (mainly composed of Rivendell, DropBears, LORDS).
Currently, the game only have 2 giant servers left and it seems that we won’t have to wait that long before the entire game will fit into 1 titanic server with every players clashing against each others.
I’ll post some updates on Cross Server Guild War next and probably, the upcoming God Revolution too. Thank you for following this random blog.
Last Updated on May 20, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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