The promotional video for the TV anime adaptation of Kiri Wazawa’s The Morose Mononokean (Fukigen na Mononokean)manga has been released by Tokuma Japan. The promo video highlights the main characters in the upcoming anime which are: Haruitsuki Abeno and Hanae Ashiya.
The Morose Mononokean TV anime will premiere in July 2016 and it stars Tomoaki Maeno as Haruitsuki Abeno and Yuuki Kaji as Hanae Ashiya. They also voice the roles in the motion comic available for streaming only on the anime’s official website.
There will be an advance screening event that will feature the first two episodes of the anime on June 4, 2016 at United Cinemas Toyosu in Tokyo. Among the figures that will attend the said event are Yuuki Kaji and Tomoaki Maeno. A drama CD equipped with the original story will be offered during the event and on June 24, it will be going on sale.
Directing The Morose Mononokean anime is Akira Iwanaga who previously worked on Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, and Isuca. Iwanaga will direct the anime at Pierrot Plus and will be joined by Takao Yoshioka who’s handling the series composition. The character designs were drawn by Atsuko Kageyama while composing the music for the show is Yasuharu Takanishi.
The Morose Mononokean Story
Ashiya has spent the first seven days of high school stuck in the infirmary because of a yōkai attaching itself to him. He ends up asking the owner of a small tea room called “Mononokean” for help. This is volume 1 of the mysterious stories involving the very morose owner of Mononokean guiding the yōkai that happened to wander into this world go to the next world.
Source: Comic Natalie
Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Yu Alexius
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