Ryoko Fukuyama’s Fukumenkei Noise shōjo manga receives an anime adaptation as revealed by the cover of this year’s 10thissue of Hakusensha‘s Hana to Yume magazine. It was first revealed on the magazine’s website on the preview for this issue that there will be an important announcement for the series and it seems that it is about the manga getting an anime adaptation. For sure, many readers are excited to see the Fukumenkei Noise anime adaptation.
Fukumenkei Noise Story
The manga tells a romance story with the themes of “music x one-sided love.” Nino, a girl who loves singing, made a childhood promise with her first crush Momo and song-composing Yuzu to someday find her voice. The three went their separate ways, but Nino kept her promise and continued to sing. Years later, the three are now high school students, and Nino is drawn into the world of band clubs.
The manga series was launched by Ryoko in Hana to Yume in April 2013, the eighth volume of the manga was published by Hakunsensha last January. The ninth volume will be shipped in Japan this Wednesday – April 20, 2016.
Source: Anime News Network
Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Yu Alexius
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