The opening theme song for the upcoming anime adaptation of Chihiro Ishizuka’s Flying Witch manga has been featured in the second promotional video of the show. The promo video was posted on the show’s official website on Friday – February 26, 2016 and it previews Flying Witch opening theme song which is titled “Shanranranfeat. 96 Neko” by an as-yet-unannounced artist.
Flying Witch anime series will premiere on April 10 at NTV, it will also air on Aomori Broadcasting and other TV channels. There’s an advance screening and cast talk event for the show on March 19 at Akihabara Gamers.
Flying Witch Story
The comical story follows the 15-year-old witch Makoto Kowata and the other boys and girls in her daily life. With her black cat Chito, the somewhat aimless girl moved from Yokohama to live with her second cousin in Aomori in verdant northern Japan.
The following are the cast for Flying Witch TV anime:
Ari Ozawa as Aru, Inukai’s hamster familiar, who sometimes helps him in his fortune-telling
The upcoming anime is directed by Katsushi Sakurabi at studio J.C. Staff together with Deko Akao who is in-charge of the series scripts. The character designs for the anime were drawn by Masato Yasuno.
Source: Comic Natalie
Last Updated on March 21, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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