A live-action film adaptation of Fumio Obata’s Shimauma manga has been announced by Toei on Friday – February 5, 2016. The company is producing the live-action film which stars Ryō Ryūsei, Kyoko Hinami, Kenta Suga, andMasaya Kato as the film’s main cast.
Shimauma live-action film will open in Japanese theaters on May 21, 2016. A website for the film has been opened by Toei and began streaming a teaser for the film.
The film is directe by Hajime Hashimoto together with Izumi Takahashi who’s writing the script.
Shimauma Story
Shimauma centers on Tatsuo, who makes money by running a badger game extortion racket with three other friends, until one day they unwittingly target a member of the yakuza. Tatsuo eventually gets a text with an attached picture of his friend Hide’s messed up face and two ribs pulled out of him. Now Tatsuo is about to enter an even darker world than the one of “slaves and cattle” that he had inhabited.
The Shimaumamanga was launched by Obata in Shonengahosha’s Young King Magazine in 2010.
Via: Comic Natalie
Last Updated on March 9, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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