The school life manga Setoutsumi by Kazuya Konomoto has been green-lit for a live-action film that is slated to open in Japanese theaters on July 2, 2016. The opening date was announced by the staff of the live-action film together with revealing additional cast for the film on Tuesday – February 2.
Setoutsumi live-action film cast
- Shōhei Uno
- Takuji Suzuki
- Amane Okayama
- Eiki Narita
- Isao Okumura
- Kumi Ryū
- Motomi Makiguchi
The cast listed above will join the previously announced cast members for the film such as Sousuke Ikematsu and Masaki Suda who will star in the film’s lead roles. The live-action film will be directed by Tatsushi Ōmori.
The manga revolves around Kansai-area high school boys Seto and Utsumi, particularly their completely normal but comedic chats after school.
Source: Anime News Network
Last Updated on March 9, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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