The second episode of the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin original video anime project titled “Artesia’s Sorrow”first seven-minutes in a teaser video uploaded on the official Gundam YouTube channel last Sunday – October 18, 2015. There are also trailers of the anime project on the channel including the recaps of the events from the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin titled “Blue-Eyed Casval.”
The episode’s story moves three years ahead to U.C. 0071. The story will follow the tearful separation of the siblings Casval and Artesia (before they became known as Char and Sayla). It will also feature more of the development of the mobile suits, particularly on the Zeon side.
The English dub cast for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin was posted last September, it includes:
- Keith Silverstein as Edward Mass/Casval Rem Deikun
- Maggie O’Connor as Sayla Mass/Artesia Som Deikun
- Marc Thompson as Degwin Sodo Zabi
- Liam O’Brien as Gihren Zabi
- Bob Johnson as Dozle Zabi
- Wendee Lee as Kycilia Zabi
- Kirk Thornton as Ramba Ral
- Amanda Shuckman as Crowley Hamon
- Doug Stone as Jimba Ral
- Veronica Taylor as Astraia Tor Deikun
- David Vincent as Gaia
- Doug Erholtz as Ortega
- Tom Wayland as Mash
- Fryda Wolff as Amuro Ray and Mirai Yashima
- Ben Diskin as Char Aznable
Gundam: The Origin II – ‘Artesia’s Sorrow’will run for two weeks starting on October 31 in 15 theaters in Japan. Most of the staff and the cast members from the first episode are back to reprise respective roles and tasks. However, Ichiro Itano and Kiyoshi Egami will be replaced by Nana Harada as the unit director.
Last Updated on March 21, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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