Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash anime series has been green-lit and slated to premiere on January 2016. It is inspired from Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (Hai to Gensō no Grimgar or Grimgar le Monde des cendres et de fantaisie) light novel series by the author Ao Jūmonji and illustrator Eiri Shirai. In addition, TOHO Animation released a promotional video for Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash anime last Friday – October 16, 2015.
Text: When they awaken, they’re in the dark.
Text: Original Work: Ao Jūmonji / Original Illustrator: Eiri Shirai
Text: When they advance away from the darkness, a world they’ve never seen before…
Text: …Grimgar spreads out before them.
Text: Director / Scriptwriter: Ryosuke Nakamura
Text: Character Design: Mieko Hosoi
Text: Production: A-1 Pictures
Text: Where is this
Text: Why are we here
Text: Where did we come from
Text: Memories, money, special powers
Text: This is the reality we who have none of those things have obtained.
Text: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
Text: Living, isn’t easy.
Text: TV anime January 2016 broadcast start
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Story Description:
Living, isn’t easy.When Haruhito awakens, he’s in the dark.He doesn’t know where he is, why is he here, and where he came from.Around him there are several men and women who have the same circumstances.Together, they advance forward away from the darkness, and a world they’ve never seen before called “Grimgar” spreads out before them.Memories, money, special powers — This is the reality we who have none of those things have obtained.
The “youth x fantasy” series follows Haruhito and his companions as they suddenly find themselves in a “game-like world” called Grimgar and must form a party, cooperate, and learn new skills to survive the harsh environment together.
Helming the project is Ryosuke Nakamura as the director and scriptwriter of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash at anime studio A-1 Pictures. Designing the characters for the anime series is Mieko Hosoi.
Well, 2016 is filled with many light novels anime adaptation such as the new Accel World anime series, the Sword Art Online film and Alderamin on the Sky. If you want to learn more about Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Light anime adaptation, make sure to save Yu Alexius anime blog and visit us often for news and updates.
Last Updated on February 13, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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