The production company behind successful anime series such as JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, The Book of Bantorra and Hyperdimension Neptunia will handle the animation production of the anime adaptation of Monster Hunter Stories. Chihiro Kameyama, the president of Fuji TV stated in an interview that David Production will animate Monster Hunter Stories, the TV anime adaptation of CAPCOM’s Monster Hunter game franchise.
Monster Hunter Stories Game Story:
The game explores the world of “monster riders,” who differ from monster hunters in that they deepen connections with monsters. The protagonist possesses a “Kizuna Ishi” (Connection Stone), which can awaken the powers of monsters as he deepens his connection with them. The story begins in a monster rider village, whose inhabitants live a life away from monster hunters, but the boy goes on a journey and enters hunter society, where he must learn to live with hunters who see monsters differently from him.
David Production is a subsidiary of Fuji TV since August 2014 and according to Kameyama, it started to become an anime diversion for Fuji TV and that it will work regularly on anime production and planning for the broadcasting company.
Monster Hunter Stories anime will premiere on Fuji TV in 2016. The anime is the first anime adaptation from Monster Hunter franchise of CAPCOM. It is also inspired from the upcoming Nintendo 3DS role-playing game of the same name.
Via: Anime News Network
Last Updated on February 13, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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