Alderamin on the Sky Light Anime Teaser Visual |
The light novel series Alderamin on the Sky receives an anime adaptation as announced during the stage event at the Dengeki Bunko Autumn Festival 2015. Alderamin on the Sky or known as Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyō no Alderamin is a light novel series written by Bokuto Uno and the illustrators Sanbasō and Ryūtetsu. The anime adaptation was announced last Sunday at the Dengeki Bunko event together with the announcement of the Sword Art Online anime film and the new Accel World Infinite Burst anime series.
Alderamin on the Sky Story:
In the “military history fantasy” series, the Katvarna Empire is at war with the neighboring Republic of Kioka. In the Katvarna Empire, the lazy, woman-admiring Ikuta hates war, but due to certain circumstances, he grudgingly takes the High Grade Military Officer Exam. No one would have expected that this 17-year-old young man would eventually become a soldier called a great commander by others. Ikuta survives this world engulfed in war with his superior intellect.
The first novel of Alderamin on the Sky was released by Kadokawa last June of 2012, it was written by Bokuto Uno with the illustrator Sanbasō. However, due to Sanbasō poor health, fellow illustrator Ryūtetsu took over the in the sixth novel of the series. The eight and latest novel from Alderamin on the Sky series will be publish on October 10 by Kadokawa.
Alderamin on the Sky also gets a manga adaptation created by Taiki Kawakami and it currently has two volumes in print while the third volume will be ship on October 10.
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Last Updated on February 11, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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