The new anime series for Lupin III revealed its Japanese opening sequence before the new show premiere on October 1 in Japan. This is the first new TV anime series for the titular character in three decades. In the opening sequence, a new 2015 version of the classing “Theme From Lupin III” song by the original composer Yuji Ohno has been featured.
Promotional Video
Text: My name is Lupin III
Lupin: I’m stealing back what’s already been stolen, that’s all.
Jigen: Word of advice, pointing a gun at me is…
Goemon: Until I’ve paid back my debt, I will protect you.
Fujiko: Which do you prefer?
Zenigata: I won’t let you get away until I die, Lupin!
Rebecca: Because I’m your wife! I’m Mrs. Lupin!
Lupin: Lupin III
Lupin: I’ll take what I claim!
Lupin III (2015) Story:
The story of the new series takes place in Italy and San Marino, and it features a blue-jacketed Lupin in his 20s. The series open with an invitation to Lupin’s wedding to a new character named Rebecca (played by Yukiyo Fujii).Rebecca is the young president of a conglomerate based in the Republic of San Marino, the story’s setting. She has also worked as a model and an actress, and has become an international “gossip queen” due to rumors of affairs with many celebrities. She has an independent wild streak, as well as a secret she cannot tell anyone. Another new character, Nyx (Shunsuke Sakuya), is an ace spy with a license to kill for MI6, the real-life Secret Intelligence Service of the British Government.
Last Updated on January 31, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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