The upcoming anime film project Digimon Adventure tri. which is a sequel to the original Digimon series revealed that Daisuke Namikawa and Yuko Kaida join the cast of the film. Toie Animation announced last Thursday that Daisuke Namikawa will play as Daigo Nishijimaand Yuko Kaida as Maki Himekawa. The company also announced that a promotional video for Digimon Adventure tri. will be stream on Monday featuring the voices of the main characters in the story.
Last August, Toie Animation unveiled an advance video of the project for the first time featuring the original Digimon theme song “Butter-Fly” by Kouji Wada which will be use in the film too.
Additional Cast for Digimon Adventure tri.:
Daisuke Namikawa as Daigo Nishijima |
Yuko Kaida as Maki Himekawa |
Digimon Adventure tri. Human Characters Cast:
- Natsuki Hanae as Taichi Yagami
- Yoshimasa Hosoya as Yamato Ishida
- Suzuko Mimori as Sora Takenouchi
- Mutsumi Tamura as Kōshirō Izumi
- Hitomi Yoshida as Mimi Tachikawa
- Junya Ikeda as Jō Kido
- Junya Enoki as Takeru Takaishi
- MAO as Hikari Yagami
Digimon Adventure tri. Staff:
Performing the first part’s ending theme “I wish” is AiM (Ai Maeda) while Kouji Wada returns to perform the original theme song of the anime series “Butter-Fly.” Ayumi Miyazaki also returns to perform the insert song from the original series “Brave Heart.”
Source: Anime News Network
Last Updated on January 28, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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