The cast for the upcoming anime Garo -Guren no Tsuki- (Garo: Crimson Moon), the latest installment from Garo anime series has been revealed. Among the anime series stars are Romi Park, Akiko Yajima, Daisuke Namikawa, Kenyuu Horiuchi and Tomokazu Seki. However, it was not revealed yet which characters these voice cast will be playing.
The official website of the anime also revealed a new visual from the manga creator Masakazu Katsura who is designing the characters in the series. From left to right, the characters are Dōman, Seimei, Raikō, Yasusuke, and Kintoki. The website lists the tagline, “A golden wolf that howls at the darkness of the Heian Era.” (Pictured below)
Aside from the cast members and the new visual, it was also revealed that the anime will premiere on October 9, 2015 at TV Tokyo. It will then air on Star Channel on October 6 and Family Theater on October 24.
There had been four teaser videos with silhouettes of the characters previously streamed from the anime’s website. These include the characters of Raikō, Seimei, Kintoki, Yasusuke Fujiwara, Michinaga Fujiwara, and Dōman Fujiwara.
The director of Garo: Guren no Tsuki is Atsushi Wakabayashi while Shou Aikawa and Toshiki Inoue serve as the series script supervisors. Writing the script for the anime are Masaki Watchi, Shinichi Inotsume, Shigeru Murakoshi, Seishi Minakami and Takawo Yoshioka.
The main characters are designed by Masakazu Katsurawhile Masao Ebihara will adapt his designs for animation. Among the series staffs are Toru Kubo (credited for the “horror design”), Daisuke Niitsuma who is designing the props, Maho Takahasi who is in charge of the art design and Katsuhisa Takiguchi who is the anime’s art director.
The director of photography is Shigeteru Asakawa and Chiho Nakamura serve as the show’s color key artist. The CG director is Katsuki Nanba while in charge of editing is Kiyoshi Hirose. The music will be compose by monaca and Sōichirō Kubo is directing the sound at Tohokushinsha Film Corporation with sound effects by Naoto Yamatani. Garo: Guren no Tsuki anime project will be presented by Tohokushinsha with a special thanks to Sansei R&D.
In studio MAPPA’s Otakon panel last July, producer Masao Maruyama announced that the new series will takes place in Japan’s Heian period and will have a female protagonist.
Last Updated on January 23, 2021 by Yu Alexius
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